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Nitrous Oxide Sedation

With decades of experience in medical gas equipment, Mediquip supplies advanced equipment for the administration and scavenge of nitrous oxide for pain relief in birthing suites, emergency departments and more. We distribute analgesic gas administration systems with nasal and oral delivery options – and parts including circuits and regulators. 

From the O-Two eAdvantage on-demand electronically controlled analgesic gas mixing and delivery system used by hospitals for inhalation of precise gas blends for patients − to the Accutron sedation system’s Digital Ultra flowmeter which simplifies nasal administration, with efficiency and reliability.

For hospitals, Mediquip also supplies the Mediscav gas scavenge unit and the Medclair mobile destruction unit to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from nitrous oxide sedation. Mediquip is a partner of Swedish research and development company Medclair: leaders with technology that reduces ambient nitrous oxide by a catalytic process which breaks down nitrous oxide into nitrogen and oxygen, which can be safely returned to the environment. 

Mediquip are proud supporters of ANZCA’s Environmental Sustainability Network. 

Our website shows just a sample selection of products – contact us for more information and other options.

Precision, Efficiency, Reliability

O-Two eAdvantage

The eAdvantage electronic Nitrous Oxide / Oxygen Analgesic Gas Mixing and Delivery System.

  • Deliver the exact amount of gas necessary for the patient, avoiding waste and environmental hazards.
  • Safety features and cost effective.
  • Easy to use with data logging and transfer capability to increase productivity.
  • Utilises variable flow control and measurement to deliver accurate concentrations of nitrous oxide and oxygen at flow rates equivalent to that demanded by spontaneously breathing, conscious patient.
  • Mains power or battery.


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